1 Corinthians

If Christ Had Not Been Raised
17th March 2024 | Daniel Macleod
Without the resurrection of Jesus, there would be no point to Christianity. In this sermon, Daniel speaks on why the resurrection of Jesus is the centre of the Christian faith, and why this truth should impact our life on a daily basis.

By This Gospel You Are Saved
10th March 2024 | Marcio Fanchin
The whole of scripture points to the gospel of Jesus. In this sermon, Marcio calls on those who have not yet put their faith in Jesus to do so, because this gospel has the power to save and transforms lives.

The 'S' Word | Charles Glass | 1 Corinthians 14: 26 - 40
25th February 2024 | Charles Glass
In today’s culture, the word ‘submission’ is usually viewed negatively. To submit to someone might be seen as a weakness or a hindrance to freedom. However, as Christians we are called to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. In this sermon, Charles helps us to understand what biblical submission looks like.

The Importance of Church
18th February 2024 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us of the importance of the church. We exist firstly to praise God, we praise Him because He has saved us through Jesus and is worthy of our praise. The church is important because our spiritual needs and growth can only happen in the context of a church. It is important because it is a place where unbelievers can walk in and meet with the living God.

The Gift of Prophecy
21st January 2024 | Pete Harwood
In this sermon Pete speaks to us about the gift of prophecy. He explains what prophecy is, why we should prophesy, and what it looks like to use this gift.

The Gift of Tongues
7th January 2024 | Terry Virgo
In this sermon Terry Virgo gives an overview of the move of the Spirit, looking particularly at the gift of tongues.

The Body of Christ
26th November 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel reminds us that we all have a part to play in the Kingdom of God, for the good of the church. We are told not to play down our role, because God has given each of us a gift to share with others, to bless the church.

A Church Centred Around Christ
17th November 2023 | Marcio Fanchin
In this sermon, Marcio reminds us that love is the first and foremost mark of a church centred on Christ. However, to be a church that operates from a place of love we must first be a people who abide in Christ, putting Him at the centre of all we do.