All Series

1 Corinthians
In this letter, Paul challenges the Church in Corinth to live countercultural lives to the Roman society they were in. In the same way, we find that to faithfully live as Christ’s followers in our context requires us to sometimes go against the grain.

Real Faith
A study through the letter from James, exploring what faith looks like in real life.

Jesus' Church
A series looking at the foundational aspects of Jesus’ Church, and what the bible says Jesus’ Church is.

Using Genesis 1-3 we look at the blueprints for life that we have been given by God as we seek to live lives that are built well from the ground up.

A Beautiful Life
A study of the beautiful life of Jesus as shown through John’s Gospel and the implications this can have on the way we live our own lives, both as individuals and as a collective body.

Together For The Gospel
A closer look at Paul’s letter to the Philippian church and what it can tell us at Trinity Church London about our own journey at this time, as one body united through Jesus.

Bring Out The Book
A series encouraging us to Bring Out The Book in our lives, and to fall more in love with God’s Word – the bible.