
The Distortion of Sin
28th November 2021 | Richard Palmer
Continuing our “Blueprints” series, this week Richard Palmer teaches us about the consequences of sin from Genesis 3:8-21.

Living Free from Sin
21st November 2021 | Phil Moore
As we continue our “Blueprints” series in Genesis, Phil Moore teaches from Genesis 3:1-7 on how to live a life free of temptation and sin.

14th November 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our “Blueprints” series, Daniel Macleod speaks about the first-ever marriage between Adam and Eve, and how every marriage is a living symbol of Christ and His Church.

The Water of Life
7th November 2021 | Daniel Macleod
As part of our “Blueprints” series, Daniel Macleod opens up Genesis 2:10-15 and explores how Jesus has the only water that permanently quenches our thirst – the water of life.

Reflecting God
26th September 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our new sermon series, Blueprints, Daniel Macleod opens up Genesis 1:24-31 and looks at the incredible truth that we are all made in the image of God.

The World Is Good But Not Enough
19th September 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod starts our new teaching series through Genesis 1-3 – Blueprints. We look at the blueprints for life that we have been given by God as we seek to live lives that are built well from the ground up.