A Beautiful Life

Jesus, The Bread of Life
13th August 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us that Jesus is the only one we can find our satisfaction in. He also reminds us that we are called to enjoy Him in all aspects of life.

Feeding the Five Thousand
6th August 2023 | Onohili Ejodame
This weeks sermon draws out lessons from the feeding of the 5000, Reminding us that our God is a God of the impossible, that we should trust what we have into the hands to a loving Saviour, and that we are to treasure Jesus above our own plans and ambition.

Following the Father
8th August 2021 | Tom Houston
As part of our “A Beautiful Life” series, Tom Houston preaches from John 5:19-29. Tom shares about what it is to follow Jesus as he follows our Father in heaven.

Better is Coming
1st August 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod teaches from John 5:1-18. He unpacks what Jesus was doing when he healed a paralysed man on the Sabbath and what Jesus meant us to understand. We are encouraged to turn from our own pools to trust in Jesus and his power to raise us up.

Principles of Faith
25th July 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Continuing our “A Beautiful Life” series, Abdullah Jamal teaches from John 4:46-54 and unpacks one man’s journey of faith.

Soul Food
18th July 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod teaches from John 4:31-38. After a long year dealing with covid-19, lockdowns and all the uncertainty, many people are feeling empty. Many are struggling to find meaning in what they are doing. In a moment of physical and emotional exhaustion, Jesus teaches us how to find inner strength and joy that has nothing to do with external circumstances – as we find out in this passage.

Dealing With Envy
4th July 2021 | Daniel Macleod
This week, we return to our summer series “A Beautiful Life”, looking at what we can learn from Jesus about how we should live our day to day lives. Daniel Macleod resumes the series by opening up John 3:22-30, and exploring the topic of envy.
To re-visit the start of the series, follow this link to our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/TrinityChurchLondon/playlists