Jesus' Church

His Temple
20th February 2022 | Tom Houston
Opening up 1 Peter 2:4-8, Tom Houston tells us how we are like the stones selected to build a temple for Christ – who himself is the cornerstone.

His Army
13th February 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod teaches from Ezekiel 37:1-10. We are Jesus’ army in our day – not to pick up arms but to pray. We encouraged to pick up the armour of God and pray together.

His Body
6th February 2022 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal teaches from 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 and tells us how the Church is made up of many parts (us), like our bodies, none of which can function individually.

His Family
30th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod explains how we are all valued members of Jesus’ family – brothers and sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Bride
23rd January 2022 | Charles Glass
Continuing our series on Jesus’ Church, Charles Glass tells us about the greatest love story ever told and the nature of the relationship between Jesus and His Church.

A House of Prayer
16th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
The hallmark of Jesus’ church is prayer. As we start our new sermon series, “Jesus’ Church”, Daniel Macleod provides four reasons why corporate prayer should be at the functional centre of our life as Trinity Church London.