Spiritual Disciplines

8th September 2024 | Daniel Macleod
We cannot separate our relationship with Jesus from our relationship with the church. In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that the main reason we gather as a church is so we may go deeper into the presence of God and come to a greater understanding of who He is. Secondly, gathering sharpens and grows us; the gathering of God’s people is His design for human flourishing. There are riches and depth and spiritual power found in the physical gathering of God’s people.

Worship: The Practice of Singing
1st September 2024 | Onohili Ejodame
In this sermon Onohili looks at the spiritual discipline of worship, focusing particularly on the practice of singing. She lays out three points about why we sing, namely: To glorify God, To be transformed, and to fight our battles.

30th June 2024 | Daniel Macleod
Giving thanks is a foundational attitude of being a Christian. Our gracious Father is worthy of receiving our thanks for all He has done and continues to do for us. In this sermon Daniel gives us some practical ways in which we can incorporate thanksgiving into our lives.

Confession | 1 John 1:5-2:2
23rd June 2024 | Daniel Macleod
Confession can often be a scary prospect, yet it has the ability to be one of the most liberating practice. In this sermon Daniel speaks about the importance of this spiritual discipline, reminding us that if we fail to confess our sins it erodes our relationship with God and others.

16th June 2024 | Richard Palmer
What does it mean to be generous, and as Christians how can we instill this discipline in our lives? In this sermon Richard explores this topic showing us that we can be a generous people because our Father in heaven has been and is always generous towards us.

9th June 2024 | Daniel Macleod
In a culture of ‘busyness’ how do we find sabbath rest? in this sermon Daniel speaks about the main obstacle to sabbath rest. He explains that the main problem is not in the activities we do, but a restlessness in our hearts.

Reading Scripture
2nd June 2024 | Pete Harwood
In this sermon Pete gives us an outline on why and how to read the bible. He also reminds us that just as we need food, we need the Word of God daily and regularly. If we want to see God more, to encounter Him, to see more of His glory, then we must spend time with Him in His word regularly.

26th May 2024 | Daniel Macleod
When it comes to spiritual disciplines, fasting is probably one of the most difficult, especially in the western church. Yet it is a much needed practice, it is a means to know God better. In fasting we declare that Jesus is more satisfying than life itself.

Corporate Prayer
19th May 2024 | Mike Betts
In this sermon, Mike reminds us about the importance of praying together as believers. If we lead with corporate prayer we will see missions accomplished, and breakthroughs happen in a way that we won’t if we don’t lead with prayer.

Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer
12th May 2024 | Charles Glass
As we start our series on spiritual disciplines, Charles encourages us to spend time developing our prayer life. He quotes Timothy Keller in saying that, “Prayer is our way of entering into the happiness of God Himself”.