Together For The Gospel

Learning Contentment
27th June 2021 | Daniel Macleod
This week we close our our teaching series in the letter to the church in Philippi. As Paul ends his letter in Philippians 4:10-20, he closes with a confession that he has found contentment in the midst of his suffering. We want to learn how to be content with Paul!

Marks of Jesus' Church
20th June 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal continues our teaching series through the book of Philippians. This week, we look at Philippians 4:2-9, and how we can shine Jesus’ love into the world around us.

The Goal
13th June 2021 | Charles Glass
Charles Glass teaches from Philippians 3:12-4:1 as we continue in our teaching series through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi in the 1st Century.

What Is Important?
6th June 2021 | Charles Glass
Charles carries on our teaching series through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. This week he teaches from Philippians 3:1-11, asking the question: what is important?

Worthy Lives
30th May 2021 | Daniel Macleod
This week Daniel teaches from Philippians 2:19-30. We look at Timothy and Epaphroditus and the lives they lived and the importance of following Christ’s life.

No Complaining
16th May 2021 | Joseph Bediako
This week we are joined by our great friend Joseph Bediako, who leads Beulah Family Church in Thornton Heath. Joseph continues our “Together For The Gospel” series, by teaching from from Philippians 2:12-18 and encouraging us to bring a positive attitude to the world around us.

Being One
9th May 2021 | Daniel Macleod
We continue our teaching series in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. This week Daniel Macleod walks through Philippians 2:1-11 and shows us what kind of church Paul is calling for and how Jesus forms this.

Christ Our Joy
2nd May 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our teaching series in Philippians, Daniel Macleod unpacks Philippians 1:18-30 and looks at the psyche of Paul, who found complete joy in Christ.

The Gospel Advances
25th April 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal teaches from Philippians 1:12-18. In this message we explore how the gospel advances even through difficulties and set backs.

We Will Make It
18th April 2021 | Daniel Macleod
We continue our teaching series through the letter to the Christians in Philippi. This week Daniel teaches from Philippians 1:6-11, on the subject of “We Will Make It”.

Happy Partnership
11th April 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod starts our new teaching series in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, titled Together For The Gospel. This week we set the scene for this first church plant on European soil and look at how Paul feels about the church 10 years later, by looking at Philippians 1:1-5.