Who is Jesus?

I am the True Vine | Marcio Fanchin | John 15:1-11
24th November 2024 | Marcio Fanchin
In our final sermon on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus, Marcio looks at why abiding in Christ, the ‘True Vine’, is the way to a fruitful life.

I am the Way | Richard Palmer | John 14:1-11
17th November 2024 | Richard Palmer
This morning we come to the penultimate week of our series on the ‘I am’ sayings, where Richard unpacks the meaning of Jesus as ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’.

I am the Resurrection | Daniel Macleod | John 11:17-44
10th November 2024 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel looks at what Christianity says about death, how Jesus reacted to the death of his friend, and what this means for us today.

I am the Good Shepherd | Daniel Macleod | John 10:11-21
3rd November 2024 | Daniel Macleod
We’re now over halfway through our series on ‘Who does Jesus say He is?’ In this sermon, Daniel looks at four things that make Jesus ‘good’, and how these prove His ability and right to ‘shepherd’ us towards heaven.

I am the Light of the World | Charles Glass | John 8:12-20, John 9:1-5
20th October 2024 | Charles Glass
This Sunday, we continue our new teaching series discovering who Jesus says he is. Charles looks at this well-known verse through the context of Israel two millennia ago, and how it is still relevant in our lives today.