Abdullah Jamal

Two Kinds of Wisdom
8th May 2022 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal continues our series through the letter from James. Teaching from James 3:13-18 he talks about the two kinds of wisdom that are available to us: Godly and earthly wisdom – and he encourages us to take hold of Godly wisdom.

The Royal Law
3rd April 2022 | Abdullah Jamal

Living Out the Word of God
13th March 2022 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal continues our series on James by teaching us from James 1:19-25 about the need to live out the gospel and not just read it.

His Body
6th February 2022 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal teaches from 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 and tells us how the Church is made up of many parts (us), like our bodies, none of which can function individually.

Principles of Faith
25th July 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Continuing our “A Beautiful Life” series, Abdullah Jamal teaches from John 4:46-54 and unpacks one man’s journey of faith.

Marks of Jesus' Church
20th June 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal continues our teaching series through the book of Philippians. This week, we look at Philippians 4:2-9, and how we can shine Jesus’ love into the world around us.

Pentecost 2021
23rd May 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Taking a break from our current sermon series on Pentecost Sunday, we remember and celebrate the moment the Spirit came down on God’s people at Pentecost some 2000 years ago. Abdullah teaches about the Holy Spirit and then we move into a time of response as we seek God for ourselves today.

The Gospel Advances
25th April 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal teaches from Philippians 1:12-18. In this message we explore how the gospel advances even through difficulties and set backs.

28th March 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Continuing our Bring Out The Book series, Abdullah Jamal speaks on the topic of obedience from James 1:19-27.

28th February 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah Jamal teaches from Mark 4:1-20 as he continues our Bring Out The Book series by looking at the parable of the sower.

The Grace of God
7th February 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah teaches from 2 Samuel 9, inviting us to experience the full grace of God.