Richard Palmer

I am the Way | Richard Palmer | John 14:1-11
17th November 2024 | Richard Palmer
This morning we come to the penultimate week of our series on the ‘I am’ sayings, where Richard unpacks the meaning of Jesus as ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’.

16th June 2024 | Richard Palmer
What does it mean to be generous, and as Christians how can we instill this discipline in our lives? In this sermon Richard explores this topic showing us that we can be a generous people because our Father in heaven has been and is always generous towards us.

The Importance of Church
18th February 2024 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us of the importance of the church. We exist firstly to praise God, we praise Him because He has saved us through Jesus and is worthy of our praise. The church is important because our spiritual needs and growth can only happen in the context of a church. It is important because it is a place where unbelievers can walk in and meet with the living God.

The Varieties of Spiritual Gifts
5th November 2023 | Richard Palmer
God has given each of us gifts to use for the building up of His kingdom. In this sermon Richard talks about the variety of gifts that are set out in scripture, and encourages us to earnestly desire them so we can walk in the fullness of God’s plan for us.

Jesus, The Bread of Life
13th August 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us that Jesus is the only one we can find our satisfaction in. He also reminds us that we are called to enjoy Him in all aspects of life.

The Day that Changed History: Past, Present, and Future
9th April 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us that our faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus rose from the dead we can walk in confidence knowing that every promise of God had been fulfilled in Him.

The Significance of the Cross | Richard Palmer
5th February 2023 | Richard Palmer
As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Richard reminds us that the cross is the power and wisdom of God. The cross is the sum and substance of God’s message to us.

The Role of Deacons | Richard Palmer
22nd January 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this teaching, Richard explores the biblical understanding of the role of Deacons, and what it means to serve as a Deacon within the church.

By Faith: Faith in the Promise Maker | Richard Palmer
20th November 2022 | Richard Palmer
Richard teaches us from Hebrews 11: 13 – 22 that by faith, the patriarchs awaited God’s promise. They didn’t force it through, challenge it, or seek evidence of it. By faith, they didn’t settle for second best, and God was pleased to be their God.