1 Corinthians

The Varieties of Spiritual Gifts
5th November 2023 | Richard Palmer
God has given each of us gifts to use for the building up of His kingdom. In this sermon Richard talks about the variety of gifts that are set out in scripture, and encourages us to earnestly desire them so we can walk in the fullness of God’s plan for us.

Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts
29th October 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that spiritual gifts are for the building up of Jesus’ church, and exhorts us to eagerly desire to have and use them in our daily lives.

Hair, Hats, and Gender
10th September 2023 | Daniel Macleod
What does it mean for a man to be the head of his wife? Are men and women equal before God? In this sermon Daniel delves into this difficult passage.

The Value of the Lord's Supper
3rd September 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel reminds us about the significance of the Lord’s supper.

Avoiding Idolatry
30th July 2023 | Charles Glass
Idolatry offends God and it enslaves us. This week Charles continues our series in 1 Corinthians looking at how Paul addressed the Idolatry that was happening within the Corinthian church.

The Age of the Spirit | 1 Corinthians 12, 13 & 14
23rd July 2023 | Terry Virgo
In this sermon Terry gives an overview of the work of the Holy Spirit within the church; Reminding us that for us to walk faithfully with Jesus we need to be lead my the Holy Spirit.

Method and Motivation for Evangelism
9th July 2023 | Daniel Macleod
“Evangelism is like one hungry beggar telling another hungry beggar where there is bread” – Charles Spurgeon. By looking at Paul’s example in 1 Corinthians 9, of how to evangelise, Daniel explains that evangelism is coming alongside others in humility, in order to point them to Jesus.

Should Christians Do Yoga?
2nd July 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In a world full of a variety of things to do, what is permissible to Christians? In this sermon Daniel delves into this issue.

Single and Thriving
18th June 2023 | Andrew Bunt
In a culture that prizes marriage over singleness, can we really see singleness as a gift from God? Can single people thrive, and can they fulfill the plans God has for them? In the sermon Andrew Bunt explores what it looks like to be single and thriving, and to live for Christ.

Divorce and Remarriage
11th June 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel outlines the christian definition of marriage and expounds on the apostle Paul’s teaching on divorce.

Marriage and Sex
4th June 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel speaks about the biblical view of marriage and sex.