1 Corinthians

Body Positivity
28th May 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel reminds us that as Christians we are united with Christ, that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore what we do with our body matters. In reverence to God we are admonished to flee sexual immorality.

Wisdom, Forgiveness, and the Gospel
21st May 2023 | Charles Glass
In this sermon from 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, Charles speak about the conflict within the Corinthian church. He explains that unforgiveness stops us from being effective in our christian life. We follow a saviour who never stood on His rights. When He was betrayed, denied, and insulted, He did not seek revenge but sought restoration and reconciliation. We, as those who put our trust in Him are called to do the same in our relationships. We dishonour the gospel when we do not seek forgiveness and reconciliation with our brothers and sister in Christ.

Judging Sin in the Church
7th May 2023 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel teaches from 1 Corinthians 5. In this passage, Paul teaches the church in Corinth how to deal with sexual immorality within the church.

Living as a Member of God's Family
16th April 2023 | Daniel Macleod
When we are part of God’s family we do not pick and choose which parts we like or dislike, we are called to love each other through the different circumstances of life.

Living According to the Gospel
2nd April 2023 | Daniel Macleod
To walk in the way of Christ or to walk in the way of our culture? In our day to day life are we aware of the things that influence and shape our beliefs? As we continue our christian walk it is essential that we allow the gospel to shape and transform our lives.

Be Yourself, Jesus Judges!
26th March 2023 | Daniel Macleod
As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Daniel reminds us that as children of God we do not need to strive to attain His approval. When we put our faith in Jesus, we receive His commendation, and it is from that place we live and work out our faith from.

The Meaning of Spiritual Maturity
12th March 2023 |
In this sermon, we learn that we become more mature spiritually when we become more aware of our heart issues and receive more of God’s grace in our lives, allowing Him to continually transform our lives.

The Strength of Spiritual Truth | Charles Glass
26th February 2023 | Charles Glass
As Charles continue our series through Corinthians, he explains that It is the Spirit of God who allows us to understand the gospel message. It’s not through human wisdom. The Holy Spirit reveals spiritual truth.

Putting all your trust in God | Daniel Macleod
19th February 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel reminds us that, it is through our vulnerabilities and weaknesses that we see the power of God at work. He calls us not to put our trust in our abilities or positions in life, ‘those are sinking sand’, but to put our trust in Jesus Christ, our solid Rock.

Only Boast in Jesus Christ | Daniel Macleod
12th February 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that our hope for living the christian life is not found in our strength or ability, but is found wholly in Jesus.

The Significance of the Cross | Richard Palmer
5th February 2023 | Richard Palmer
As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Richard reminds us that the cross is the power and wisdom of God. The cross is the sum and substance of God’s message to us.