
Spirit Filled Lives
5th June 2022 | Tom Houston
As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, Tom Houston opens up Acts 1:6-9 and Acts 2:1-18 to look at what it means for us to live Spirit filled lives as a church.

Resurrection Joy!
17th April 2022 | Daniel Macleod
As part of our Easter Sunday service, Daniel Macleod highlights 7 reasons to rejoice because of the resurrection, based on 1 Peter 1:3-9.

God Does Not Need Wood to Burn
20th March 2022 | Daniel Macleod
As a one-off sermon, Daniel Macleod opens up Exodus 2:23-3:15 and tells us how God as the creator of everything does not need to comply with scientific logic to carry out his miracles.

Walking with a Shepherd in 2022
9th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
As we start a new year, Daniel Macleod teaches from Psalm 23 and lifts up Jesus, our Shepherd.

Building a Relationship with Jesus
31st October 2021 | Daniel Macleod
As part of a special baptism service, Daniel Macleod reminds us of the importance of reading the Bible to build a relationship with Jesus.

The Glory of the Church
12th September 2021 | Charles Glass
On our 3rd birthday as a church, Charles Glass lifts up the beauty of Jesus’ church and what she can be. The call is to throw yourself in!

Abiding in God
5th September 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Our priority as a church is to abide in Jesus’ presence. This week, in a special one-off sermon, Daniel Macleod teaches from John 15; a key passage from Jesus’ teaching about how we find spiritual nourishment and life. Daniel also covers the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Pentecost 2021
23rd May 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Taking a break from our current sermon series on Pentecost Sunday, we remember and celebrate the moment the Spirit came down on God’s people at Pentecost some 2000 years ago. Abdullah teaches about the Holy Spirit and then we move into a time of response as we seek God for ourselves today.

Easter 2021
4th April 2021 | Daniel Macleod
For our Easter 2021 service, Daniel Macleod teaches from Mark 16:1-8 and follows Mary, Mary and Salome as they find Jesus’ tomb empty.

The Grace of God
7th February 2021 | Abdullah Jamal
Abdullah teaches from 2 Samuel 9, inviting us to experience the full grace of God.