Daniel Macleod

Be Yourself, Jesus Judges!
26th March 2023 | Daniel Macleod
As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Daniel reminds us that as children of God we do not need to strive to attain His approval. When we put our faith in Jesus, we receive His commendation, and it is from that place we live and work out our faith from.

Handling Your Money Well | Daniel Macleod
5th March 2023 | Daniel Macleod
Jesus spoke about money several times, because He knew that money is the chief competitor for our affections and our hearts. In this sermon Daniel talks about how we can deal with our money appropriately, submitting all we have to Jesus, and finding freedom in doing so.

Putting all your trust in God | Daniel Macleod
19th February 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon Daniel reminds us that, it is through our vulnerabilities and weaknesses that we see the power of God at work. He calls us not to put our trust in our abilities or positions in life, ‘those are sinking sand’, but to put our trust in Jesus Christ, our solid Rock.

Only Boast in Jesus Christ | Daniel Macleod
12th February 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that our hope for living the christian life is not found in our strength or ability, but is found wholly in Jesus.

By Faith: Navigating Life By Faith | Daniel Macleod
27th November 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel walks through four key moments in Moses’ life from Hebrews 11:23-28. Moses’ parents and then Moses himself faced cultural pressures to conform to the world but each time they navigated them by faith. Today we learn how we can follow Moses’ example.

Singing and the Nations | Daniel Macleod
13th November 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Today we looked at Psalm 96 and how interrelated worship to God and mission to the nations are.

By Faith: Following God | Daniel Macleod
6th November 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel teaches from Hebrews 11:8-12 as we learn from Abraham and Sarah’s life of faith. How they left what they knew to follow God. Their home, their kindred and their family. And what happened in their wake as they trusted God.

By Faith | Daniel Macleod
23rd October 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Today we start a new teaching series through Hebrews 11. We sense God wanting to grow our understanding and experience of living by faith and not by sight. In this sermon Daniel introduces the subject and defines faith as the pastor to the Hebrews does in Hebrews 11:1-2.