Daniel Macleod

The Real Meaning of Being Religious
27th March 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our Real Faith series, Daniel Macleod teaches us how we should workout our spirituality. Based on James 1:26-27.

God Does Not Need Wood to Burn
20th March 2022 | Daniel Macleod
As a one-off sermon, Daniel Macleod opens up Exodus 2:23-3:15 and tells us how God as the creator of everything does not need to comply with scientific logic to carry out his miracles.

Finding Life in Trials
6th March 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod continues his teaching through the letter of James. This week looking particularly at James 1:13-18 and what can happen to us in the midst of trials; either death or life.

Finding Joy in Trials
27th February 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod starts off our new teaching series through the letter from James, the pastor of the church in Jerusalem in the 1st Century. This week, Daniel unpacks James 1:1-18 and how we can find joy in the trials of life that we all go through.

His Army
13th February 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod teaches from Ezekiel 37:1-10. We are Jesus’ army in our day – not to pick up arms but to pray. We encouraged to pick up the armour of God and pray together.

His Family
30th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
Daniel Macleod explains how we are all valued members of Jesus’ family – brothers and sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ.

A House of Prayer
16th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
The hallmark of Jesus’ church is prayer. As we start our new sermon series, “Jesus’ Church”, Daniel Macleod provides four reasons why corporate prayer should be at the functional centre of our life as Trinity Church London.

Walking with a Shepherd in 2022
9th January 2022 | Daniel Macleod
As we start a new year, Daniel Macleod teaches from Psalm 23 and lifts up Jesus, our Shepherd.

14th November 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our “Blueprints” series, Daniel Macleod speaks about the first-ever marriage between Adam and Eve, and how every marriage is a living symbol of Christ and His Church.

The Water of Life
7th November 2021 | Daniel Macleod
As part of our “Blueprints” series, Daniel Macleod opens up Genesis 2:10-15 and explores how Jesus has the only water that permanently quenches our thirst – the water of life.

Building a Relationship with Jesus
31st October 2021 | Daniel Macleod
As part of a special baptism service, Daniel Macleod reminds us of the importance of reading the Bible to build a relationship with Jesus.

Reflecting God
26th September 2021 | Daniel Macleod
Continuing our new sermon series, Blueprints, Daniel Macleod opens up Genesis 1:24-31 and looks at the incredible truth that we are all made in the image of God.